Instantiate a trelliscope data frame
name = NULL,
description = name,
key_cols = NULL,
tags = NULL,
path = NULL,
force_plot = FALSE,
key_sig = NULL,
order = 0,
jsonp = TRUE
- df
A data frame that contains the metadata of the display as well as a column that indicate the panels to be displayed.
- name
Name of the trelliscope display.
- description
Description of the trelliscope display.
- key_cols
Variable names in
that uniquely define a row of the data. If not supplied, an attempt will be made to infer them.Optional vector of tag names to identify the display in the case that there are many to search through.
- path
Directory in which to place the trelliscope display when it is written using
.- force_plot
Should the panels be forced to be plotted, even if they have already been plotted and have not changed since the previous plotting?
- key_sig
A string "signature" that represents the panels for this display. This should not be specified unless you know what you are doing.
- order
If there will be multiple displays in the same directory, this can be used to specify the order in which they should be listed. The display with the lowest order will be shown on load.
- jsonp
If true, app data files are written as "jsonp" format, otherwise "json" format. The "jsonp" format makes it possible to browse a trelliscope app without the need for a web server and is set to TRUE by default. Use "json" if you are deploying to a web server that doesn't work well with "jsonp".
# Use `as_trelliscope_df()` to convert panel metadata to a special
# trelliscope data frame
#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
panel_dat <- (
ggplot(gap, aes(year, life_exp)) +
geom_point() +
facet_panels(vars(country, continent))
) |>
meta_dat <- gap |>
group_by(country, continent) |>
mean_life_exp = mean(life_exp),
min_life_exp = min(life_exp),
max_life_exp = max(life_exp),
mean_gdp = mean(gdp_percap),
.groups = "drop"
joined_dat <- left_join(panel_dat, meta_dat) |>
as_trelliscope_df(name = "life_expectancy", path = tempfile())
#> Joining with `by = join_by(country, continent)`
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }
# You can also use `as_trelliscope_df()` on datasets that have links to
# images instead of conventional ggplot objects
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }