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Set panel options for a Trelliscope display


set_panel_options(trdf, ...)



A trelliscope data frame created with as_trelliscope_df()


A named set panel options to set. The names should correspond to the names of the variables in the data frame. The values should come from panel_options().


mars_rover |>
  as_trelliscope_df(name = "mars rover") |>
  set_panel_options(img_src = panel_options(width = 2, height = 1))
#>  Using the variable "id" to uniquely identify each row of the data.
#>  Trelliscope data frame: "mars rover" located at
#>   "/tmp/RtmpVXgKLj/file1717602ac7d6" with 1 panel:
#>"img_src": <panel_url>   [aspect=2]
#> # A tibble: 1,245 × 11
#>       id camera   sol earth_date class width height filesize hex     hue img_src
#>    <int> <chr>  <int> <date>     <chr> <int>  <int>    <int> <chr> <dbl> <url_p>
#>  1  3560 Mars …   565 2014-03-09 hori…   192    144     5656 #7C6…  31.4 <img>  
#>  2 74689 Mars …   565 2014-03-09 hori…  1632   1200   592880 #7B6…  32.9 <img>  
#>  3  3558 Mars …   568 2014-03-12 wheel   192    144     9123 #3C3…  33.9 <img>  
#>  4 74630 Mars …   568 2014-03-12 wheel  1632   1200   567528 #4F4…  31.1 <img>  
#>  5 74631 Mars …   568 2014-03-12 wheel  1632   1200   556007 #4B4…  32.5 <img>  
#>  6 74632 Mars …   568 2014-03-12 wheel  1632   1200   721995 #564…  33.1 <img>  
#>  7 74633 Mars …   568 2014-03-12 wheel  1632   1200   511984 #433…  32.3 <img>  
#>  8 74634 Mars …   568 2014-03-12 wheel  1632   1200   523267 #3C3…  32.3 <img>  
#>  9 74635 Mars …   568 2014-03-12 wheel  1632   1200   580228 #3D3…  32.5 <img>  
#> 10 74637 Mars …   568 2014-03-12 wheel   192    144    10522 #4E4…  32.3 <img>  
#> # ℹ 1,235 more rows